Service Rates

Security Consulting
$39 an hour
Includes 1 Hr Entry Level Audit
2 Hr Minimum
Evaluate Your Security Strategy
Evaluate Your Technology
Create A Risk Management Plan
and more
Network SetUp
$45 an hour
Includes Network Build Sheet
Router Setup
Install a firewall
Set up multi-factor authentication
Develop cloud security
Data Back Up
and more
Network Auditing
$65 an hour
Includes 133 Point Inspection Sheet
Security controls and implementation
Check network access points.
Inspect high-impact security risks
Performance data on security systems and network assets like firewalls
and more
$85 an hour
Includes Build Sheet and Free Annual Audit
CipherTrust Manager
Symantec Data Center Security (DCS)
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Comforte Data Security Platform
Canary Mail
and more

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We Stop bad Actors!

At Optimus 5 Company, we take  security seriously, with great pride in making sure that the world doesn’t interfere with our clients digital well-being. Keeping your customers information safe should be of the greatest impotance -without them you wouldnt remain in business long.  Too many companies focus on the profit, not enough focus on the importance of harmony between the platforms that collect and dissemenate business and customer data.  In cybersecurity the harmony lies in the data management resources set up.

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we Keep Your  information Safe from exposure…

In today’s world, the Threat-Vector for malicious actors is unfortunately very wide. It is a priority for us to make sure that your clients your business or even you! don’t become a victim of identity theft.

Threats to private data are numerous and evolving. All businesses face security breaches and data loss. If your business has not made securing your network, computers, and data a priority, you are on borrowed time. If your team is negligent when it comes to security, you run the risk of litigation and/or closing your doors due to data breach or data loss. Optimus 5 Company is here to help as a leader in network security solutions.

Contact us Today

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